100k Supporters!
Recently we crossed the threshold to 100k supporters of KAG! This is very exciting news for us, quite a milestone to reach!
(via Yagger)
(cue speculation about who’s wearing the dress)
Huge thanks to everyone who has bought the game! We can only continue to make games full time with your support, so it means a lot to have made it this far.
We’re currently looking forward to the future, with MM investigating modding issues to help the community keep the game alive as long as they see fit, and myself looking into a few more gameplay niggles and getting the multiplayer graphical map editor in place. We’re also working out a way to save maps to PNG image files via a script, meaning you’ll be able to save maps into something more interesting and cross-gamemode-usable than a .kag file.
As a heads up: I’m currently overseas on vacation, catching up with family and friends until the 20th of January, so I’ll be much slower than usual to reply to queries. Hopefully MM, Furai and Shadlington can hold down the fort effectively in my absence.
Have fun, and thanks again for your support!
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