B836 – Performance improvements & Movement polish

Working hard on the beta yeah! (playing a bit too! :). We gotta take a break for the weekend though after this patch. After that we’re back to code more fixes and probably CTF.

We optimized the code a lot. 32 player servers should be smooth now, if not we’ll work on it more.

Movement is polished a bit: more drag, less sliding on edges, more like classic. Still not finished tweaking it though.

[modified] increase bomb tech time and decreased pyro tech time

[modified] boats now have specific icons in minimap

[fixed] boat sprite goes skew when turning around and probably more related bugs

[fixed] fall damage and sounds

[fixed] stomping

[fixed] other issues because of getVelocity() fix in scripts

[added] keg explodes on impact when lit and launched from cata

[modified] lowered warmup mats a bit

[fixed] other builders not auto-picking dropped builder mats

[removed] trading mats for gold in TTH

[modified] boats dont collide with mats

[modified] faster decaying

LOTS of optimizations in scripts, physics and network code performance. 

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