Scripting in the works! Also, gigantic changes to Building and Fire, and Server Browser improvements.

We’re working on getting scripting happening per-component for all entities!

This means that complex behaviours can be programmed per-entity, rather than relying on hardcoded components to do it for you. This is good for us as it means we can iterate far more quickly on things like siege engines and such, but also good for modders as it means they can code their own animation logic and AI for NPCs, and make special items ingame. Next build is gonna be excellent.

Just a heads up to modders: Unfortunately, this means breaking compatibility with all existing config files – not invalidating them entirely, but they’ll require conversion. Conversion is as simple as adding “$script =” to the top of all of the component sections, but it needs to be done by hand to avoid mangling your configs. Once the release is out, have a look at the default configs to see how it’s done.

We’re changing the way building works at the level of the tilemap – all constructed blocks will be separate entities, and all dirt etc will remain on the tilemap. This means that blocks can be properly layered on top of each other, and that the support code can be optimised a fair bit as it wont need to flood through the entire map. This will also solve issues with (for example) bits of the map collapsing when they shouldn’t. Because blocks will have their own HP, this opens up the way for per-block resistances to different attacks, so knights will be able to grind down a stone block over time (read: 100 hits or so).

The cooler part of the constructed block changes is that we’ll be able to have multi-tile blocks to construct, like 2×1 column blocks that will break as one piece. This should give more variation to buildings, and allow some more complicated blocks to make their way into the game (such as traps, elevators and so on).

Fire has also started being drafted up in code, and while it’s early days, I’ve been having excellent fun burning down wooden towers with it.

Tom and Ryan are working on the server browser, which is now lightning fast, fully threaded and about 80% easier to work with.

We expect the conversion of map stuff to take a little longer, and there aren’t screenshots to show yet, but there will likely be some dev videos as we make progress. Figured you guys would like an update on what’s getting worked on other than continued balancing tweaks.

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