B878 – New Cooperative Challenges!

This build introduces the new singelplayer/cooperative gamemode called Challenges.

You will play with a team of friends (or single) on very small maps with a particular objective like:

  • Kill all the red
  • Get to the other side of the map (KAG parkour)
  • Escape the flood!

I made other modes but they weren’t as fun as those so – not included. We have more ideas and will introduce new challenges as time comes. We just want this first batch to come out quick so you can play it.

All of these challenges have a max. 1 minute time limit. This means fast gameplay, even if you lose or die, in a couple seconds the next challenge is loaded.

Some maps have randomized classes to keep things interesting and coop. If you spawn as builder be sure to help out your team!

High scores are stored and shown at the end of each round:

  • Most individual/team kills
  • Fastest times


We want more Challenges!

This gamemode needs like 50 maps to be awesome. But we don’t have that much time to do it ourselves. This is where you can help. Making maps for this mode is quite easy. Just check Base/Maps/Challenge/Missions to see how the map + config looks like. Make your map, put it there and then add it to the mapcycle to play: Base/Rules/Challenge/mapcycle.cfg

Post on forums and we’ll pick the best ones and include them in the game with proper credits for the author!


How to run a Challenge server

In your autoconfig.cfg file set the following things:

sv_gamemode = Challenge  
sv_mapcycle =   (leave blank)
sv_mapcycle_shuffle = 1
sv_maxplayers = 4 


Archer changes

We’ve thought a lot about the archer and we want him to be more fun and more distinct from the knight class. I felt like removing 1 heart from health was a step in the right direction but it needed more. Here’s what changed for archer:

  1. The arrow gravity arc is practically removed until about half screen distance when it starts to drop
  2. Firing a max charge arrow is 2x faster
  3. The Legolas triple shot takes much longer to charge
  4. Charged (and Legolas) shots break knight shields within slash distance

We’re kind of biased about the triple shot and it might change in future versions. The other changes should be real good.

Stay tuned for news from Geti, CTF should be released next week.


Changelog B872-B878:

[modified] set default map cycle to mini challenges for Challenge

[modified] out of box config settings are that of Challenges

[fixed] unable to cap hall in Challenges

[fixed] server browser to use Challenges as coop

[removed] archer cam and slightly faster arrow

[fixed] arrows sticking to ceiling on Amarok

[dev] fixed various issues with loading non-default maps on network

[fixed] out of date menuhelp.png

[modified] grapple appearance

[fixed] builder building on self and teleporting

[added] grappling hook help

[added] button for Challenges in Solo menu

[modified] tweaks to princess mode meta

[modified] adjusted arrow speeds (slightly faster mid-pull; even faster load)

[added] default suicide icon for kill feed

[added] killing bots adds to scores

[added] /BaseJeep - an example of a full KAG modification

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