B840 – New maps and Fixes

To start off the week we’ve shaken up the maps for Take The Halls – we’ll continue to modify them as the balance shifts around but they should help address things like constantly flooded halls, too much distance between halls and the like. Be sure to give feedback on the new maps and the changes to old one in the forum thread.

We’ve also fixed the majority of the movement issues, but there are still a few like getting out of water being a bummer and it still being possible to eek your way up walls by jumping. These will be dealt with as soon as we can, but we figured this build would help with the overall balance of the game enough to get it out.

Changelog as normal below

[fixed] trader material exchange
[modiifed] boats more reliably destruct doors
[fixed] spectator chat not being gray
[modified] blademire ridge has smaller distances between halls and is less jagged
[modified] more map tweaks and shortening
[modified] most maps have shorter water and distance to halls
[modified] shark and bison regens a bit longer
[added] EarthMoving WAR map
[modified] jungle map has lower halls, is smaller, has 2 underground halls (total 5)
[added] new map Voyager to WAR mapcycle
[added] first team hall added on WAR map has research
[fixed] reverted knight animation optimisation stuff, hopefully fixed "stuck" wallsliding anim
[fixed] infinite walljumping while shieldgliding
[modified] dinghy can be picked up when not on map if it's out of the water
[modified] cant pickup dinghy with someone in it
[modified] cant pickup dinghy unless its touching the map (ie at side of lake or on ground)
[modified] warboat ladder area now visible on sprite
[fixed] boulder breaking bedrock/other natural tiles
[modified] cant climb on held ladders (too many issues)


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