Changes to User Panel at, Desura keys!

As you can see there are few new options available in the panel.  I’ll describe them briefly (most of them are self-explanatory).

“Get your Steam Key!” * – mainly a placeholder for the future. When we’ll release KAG on steam this will be the place to get your Steam key from (if you have bought the game from our website and not Steam, that is).

"Get your Desura Key!” * – here you can get your Desura key.

"Download Art Booklet” * – it speaks for itself.

There are also old options which were available all the time. You are able to change your account credentials, e-mail and delete your account completely (be warned though, this action cannot be reverted). Additionally, we have set up in place way to tell us if you agree to receive e-mails from us. We don’t have any newsletter yet – but it will come in its time.

* – options available only to paid users.


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