CTF Day 7 – GUI, Tent Mats and Bugs

Today I worked on the GUI of CTF, and fixed as many bugs as possible in the gamemode. Overall it was quite productive, if a little underwhelming in screenshots :^)

As you can see, the GUI is very minimal. The screenshot above shows that Blue is winning, Red have had one flag captured and have one flag that is currently in danger. This appears where the TTH “shields” appear.

I also got warmup tent materials working, which i’m sure all the veterans will know is important for good pregame castles. I also decided to give some coins to each player on each new game, so everyone can afford a few bombs or a special arrow at the start of the game to set things going with a bang. We’ll see how that plays out, haha.

The bugs fixed were mostly just annoying internal things, like the spawns being managed ineffectively or the warmup phase with red barrier not triggering properly. The majority of ones blocking playtesting have been sorted out, so testing will go ahead fairly soon (MM wants to release the Challenge stuff first so that it can be tested in public).


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