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Work with us on Storm2D!



Storm2D is a fast-paced, action-packed, 2D, sidescrolling, multiplayer shooter inspired by games such as Liero, Worms and Soldat.

Right now Storm2D is in the alpha stage and most of the assets are placeholders (A large portion of these coming from Soldat). We are looking for a dedicated artist to help us transform this game from a Soldat clone into something great. A lot of work has already been put into this game which means most of your assets will be able to be added to the game with little delay.

Storm2D is one of the games currently being developed by Transhuman Design. This is a chance to join an international, independent company and work with like-minded individuals to create games that aren’t just made for profit, but to inspire and bring back the good times when games were actually fun. At Transhuman Design everyone is valued, respected and given the chance to achieve their dreams. You will be paid to work on the game, and also receive a percentage of the profit from each copy sold once it’s released.

Our first priority is to get the game ready for release as soon as possible. This means replacing most of the core assets (ingame graphics and menus). Once this is done we can focus on extending the game and making it more unique. Apart from creating assets you will also participate in game design and help with any other miscellaneous tasks.


You should be passionate about 2d side-scrolling shooting games. 
You need to be able to create a vision of where the game needs to be in order for you to enjoy it.

You need to be able to work fast but at a decent quality. 
There are a lot of assets to be made.

You must be available to work full or near-full time weeks. 
There’s too much to be done to just work casually, part time or as a hobby.

You must be a person who can work well from home. 
This means that you must be able to motivate yourself to work on the game when you are expected to do so. If you need others to motivate you, you’re not the right person for this job. You need to be willing to put in 100% in order for this game to be a success. Cruising along doing the minimum isn’t going to work.

You will be expected to showcase your work.
This involves creating weekly reports of your progress and providing screenshots of what you’re working on when asked.

You will need to actively participate in the community
(e.g. reply to art-related questions on the forums)

-You need to be able to search and think of things that need improvement.
This means you have to play the game on a regular basis to check your created assets actually work and find things that needs fixing. Don’t wait for us to tell you what you need to do or just follow a list of instructions. You need to be able to prioritise what is important and do that first, rather than wasting time on small things that will barely help the game progress.

-We need to collaborate, which means chatting every day.
You’ll have to be online and available because we need to work together to get things into the game.

Storm2D has a lot of potential to be extended in the future. But this will only be possible if the game becomes popular.

Once the core of the game is complete we can start working on some of the originally planned features such as:

  • Vehicles
  • More game modes
  • Full modding support
  • Campaign mode
  • Character classes
  • Missions
  • Minigames

Please email a link to your portfolio as well as a quick introduction of yourself and why you think you would match this position.

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