Posts Taged sales

Indie Game Stand Sale!

For the next four days you can pay whatever you want for KAG!

Please abuse responsibly 🙂

IndieGameStand is a different approach to the “Pay What You Want” sale pattern, where instead of a bundle of games, each game featured gets the spotlight to themselves for 4 days.

KAG is on there at the moment, so if you are strapped for cash or want to get some friends into the game cheaply (or maybe just support development some more and have a look at the art book, you good hearted awesome people … :^) ) check it out – over a hundred new smiling faces have gone gold since it started a few hours ago!


Click here to have a look, beat the average for access to a one-off 189 page art book cataloging the history of the game! The Art Book collates all the art done for development, from the wild pipe dreams to zombies sketches to new design pictures.


Included in all sales is access to the current state of the beta (check the forums) – we’ll be talking more about this very soon and will do a more official and public release asap. We’re very excited about how far it’s come, and will continue working our butts off on making it the best game you’ve ever played!

Tell your friends, and enjoy!


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