Weekly News – TR Art, Another Expo, and KAG UI

Hey everyone, another busy couple of weeks both past and future!

Trench Run News:

Michal had a blast showing the game at Pixel Heaven! We won the “Best Multiplayer” Award and got to see lots of smiles and hear lots of laughter. Butcher was also shown, and was very popular with the more bloodthirsty fans!

Last week the first pass of environment art and effects got finalised. I also got custom palettes for each biome under way. These palettes give each area a unique feel by changing the colours. The Trenches are a brown, dusty wasteland; the Desert is bright and hot; the Forest is green and full of wet vegetation. Each of the 7 biomes has its own unique palette and soundtrack!

A sneak-peek at some of the palettes so far.

This week I’m getting to work on animations for the classes. I’m starting with the assault, but hope to have all five classes fully animated by the end of the week.

Some of the new animations for the assault class.

The following week will be polishing up the art ready to show again! We’ll be showing Trench Run at Poznan Game Arena From 16-18th October. If you’re in the area go say hi to MM, see the new graphics in action, and collect some loot! We’ve got lovely little badges of each class just waiting to brighten your bag.

KAG News:

Verra and Norill worked together on the new menus, and features for a new scoreboard. The new scoreboard shows player “cards” including the user’s forum avatar and role – so it’s clear if they’re an admin or developer. The cards may also show cumulative kills/deaths for that server in the future.

That’s all for this week, have fun!


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