Faster server browser released
Build 420 is on its way out now, with it is a complete overhaul to the server browser and the way servers register themselves with the central list. The server browser looks identical, though in the next release or two it will change in appearance and gain significantly more filtering functionality. These now make use of the King Arthur’s Gold central API, which will be getting a post of its own soon as it becomes more complete and is ready for use by community developers.
For starters, the minimap of any server can be found by going to https ://{IPADDRESS}/port/{PORT}/minimap such as . The status of a server can be viewed in machine-readable JSON format at a similar URL, such as (note that the exact keys present are still subject to change, consider this a preview). The server list can also be fetched in a machine-readable JSON format at (and append /build/420 to only see servers in build 420. The next post on the API will explain all of the other filters available)
Here is a full changelog for this otherwise small release:
– server browser now uses API and threaded calls
– more colors in server preview minimap in server browser
– many server browser bugs fixed
– made arrows not damage at minimum velocity under water
– made arrows skip higher
– dirt no longer created for infinite support
– fixed dropping mats working always -> allowing inf mats on startup
Here’s what some servers look like currently:
[FR] Nemesis Clan WOOD-WATER Unlimited Lives
U13 USEast 32 slot FullCTF Gold:
Discussion on the forums here
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